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Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 7:15 am
by agesilaos
In the discussion of the Gordian knot several posters referred to Hephaistion as ATG's spin doctor. This is a new one on me, I understood that Kallisthenes wrote the spiel and ATG vetted it. Is there any evidence for Hephaistion acting as press secretary?


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 8:26 am
by susan
KarlIt was me! I thought of it one Friday night after a bottle of wine, when writing about the Gordian Knot. I suddenly thought - Hephaistion was a Peter Mandelson - Alistair Campbell figure. Reasons:- Hephaistion was absolutely essential to Alexander, he said as much. I don't think this was just because he was a pretty face or boyhood friend, or even lover - he supplied something to Alexander that was absolutely essential even when Alexander had moved on to wives, eunuchs etc.It wasn't military advice - others were better, it wasn't just being a good logistics officer.What do we remember about Alexander ? His image - the image on the coins, the Gordian knot, all the stuff that turns up in Plutarch. This stuff didn't write itself, somebody was managing it - and I don't think it was Callisthenes. So my mind leapt to Hephaistion as being the obvious candidate. He could say what he wanted to Alexander, the other generals were jealous of him - look at the parallels with other spin doctors of today.
There's no proof of course, but I think there was a spin doctor - there had to be - and Hephaistion certainly fitted the bill. Plus he didn't have strong family connections - he was there on merit.If you have a bottle of wine you may see it in the same way ! Susan


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 1:10 pm
by Linda
I think this is a good theory - supposition, but then that is where the fun is! Alexander was very aware of his own image, but he was impetuous, and perhaps someone had to smooth things out - Hephaestion corresponded with Demosthenes, according to one source, who was Alexander's fiercest critic. Maybe a bit a keeping your friends close and enemies closer. I don't really know what his role was - he might just have been a close friend and lover (I would argue they must still have been lovers at the end of Hephaestion's life - Alexander would not have reacted as violently as he did if they hadn't had a *visceral* relationship, but of course there is no way of knowing). He was so completely loyal to Alexander, and spin doctors usually are unusually close to their patrons.


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 5:57 pm
by jan
His reacting so viscerally, as you say, is one of the reasons that I believe it may have been the death of Hephaestion will portended his own. Thus, the reference to the oracle of Siwa.


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:53 am
by ruthaki
I've never heard of Hephaistion being the keeper of records or journals. I believe Eumenes was the official Court 'reporter' though all his documents were supposedly destroyed by Kassandros later on.


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:48 am
by Linda
Eumenes was the King's secretary, wasn't he? I love the story where Alexander sets his tent on fire, and then has to scrabble around asking people for copies of the letters which were destroyed.I haven't heard of Hephaestion keeping records for Alexander, but he did correspond with people, including (allegedly) Aristotle.Demosthenes appealed to Hephaestion and Olympias to intervene with Alexander over his policy to Athens, didn't he?


Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 7:38 am
by agesilaos
Indeed Hephaistion's position does seem odd, he is clearly not one of the main military leaders in the feild and I think there are other candidates for the spin-doctors although I dare say Alexander bounced a few ideas off him then put them in a bowl to see if the cat licked them. Perhaps he was good at commisariat essential for an army to suceed but rarely noticed by the sources until it fails as in Gedrosia.I have tried the wine approach to History (and the vodka, guiness, cider etc) I am not sure of its efficacy but shall continue to experiment.