Timeline of Alexander's Life - Brief

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Timeline of Alexander's Life - Brief

Post by Alexias »


Timeline compiled according to accounts of Arrian, Curtius Rufus, Plutarch, Diodorus Siculus, Justin and especially the footnotes and comments of their translators and editors. All dates mentioned are subject to debate. [ ] indicates alternative dating. Written by nick

356 BC July 20 or 26 Birth of Alexander III, son of King Philip II and Olympias, at Pella, Macedonia

343 BC Aristotle appointed as tutor to young Alexander
342 BC Alexander gets Bucephalus, his personal horse (died in 326 BC after Hydaspes battle)
338 BC August 2 Battle of Chaeronea: King Philip's Macedonian army defeats Greeks, Alexander possibly commands cavalry
336 BC October [July] Murder of King Philip; Alexander succeeds him as king of Macedonia

335 BC May Alexander crosses river Danube: establishment of northern frontiers
September Alexander ends revolt at Thebes. Thebes destroyed

334 BC May Alexander crosses Hellespont into Persia
May/June Battle of the Granicus: Alexander defeats Persian defence force
Autumn Alexander captures Halicarnassus, Persian stronghold
333 BC March Alexander solves riddle of the 'Gordian Knot'
November Battle of Issus: Alexander's victory over Persian King Darius III; Alexander captures Persian Royal family

332 BC January-July [August] Siege of Tyre
September-October Siege of Gaza
November 14 Alexander crowned Pharaoh in Memphis, Egypt
331 BC Winter Oracle of Siwah allegedly confirms divinity of Alexander
April 7 [Winter] Foundation of Alexandria, Egypt
October 1 Battle of Gaugamela (Arbela): final defeat of Persian King Darius III
October 21 Alexander enters Babylon
330 BC January Alexander forces his way through Persian Gates: defeat of last Persian defence troops
May Alexander burns Persepolis, ceremonial Persian capital
July Persian King Darius III murdered by his kinsmen
October [Autumn] Alleged conspiracy: execution of officers Philotas and his father Parmenion

329 BC Spring Alexander crosses Hindu Kush into Central Asia
May Arrest of Bessus, usurper of Persian throne
Summer Battle of the Jaxartes: Alexander defeats Scythians; Rebel leader Spitamenes annihilates Macedonian forces at Maracanda
328 BC Spring/Summer/Autumn Army split in five divisions against rebellions in Central Asia
Autumn Defeat of rebel leader Spitamenes; Alexander kills his officer Cleitus the Black during drunken brawl
327 BC Winter Alleged conspiracy: execution of court historian Callisthenes
Spring Alexander captures 'Sogdian Rock', rebel stronghold
Spring [August] Marriage to Roxane, daughter of Bactrian noble Oxyartes
Summer Invasion of India

326 BC April Alexander captures 'Rock of Aornus', Indian stronghold
May [July] Battle of the Hydaspes: Alexander defeats King Porus
September Army refuses further advance at river Hyphasis: Alexander orders retreat
December Alexander seriously wounded by arrow in Mallian city siege
325 BC July Alexander reaches Indian Ocean
August Alexander starts march through Makran desert (Gedrosian desert)
September 20/21 Fleet under command of Nearchos sets sail to Persian Gulf

324 BC Spring Alexander orders mass wedding in Susa, Persia: marriage to Statira, daughter of Darius III
July Mutiny (or strike) of the army at Opis
October Death of Hephaestion, Alexander's lifelong friend and possible lover, in Ecbatana
323 BC April Alexander returns to Babylon
June 10 Death of Alexander after ten days of severe illness
321 BC Ptolemy hi-jacks Alexander's sarcophagus and brings Alexander's body to Egypt

Winter = December-February Spring = March-May Summer = June-August Autumn = September-November
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Re: Timeline of Alexander's Life - Brief

Post by hiphys »

I remember the debate we held here in pothos about the birthday of Alexander, some time ago. There were astronomical dates supporting July 20, but I don't know any argument for July 26. Does Nick have this date on good authority? Thanks.
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Re: Timeline of Alexander's Life - Brief

Post by Alexias »

My apologies, but I did not see your reply until now. I believe 20 or 26 July was usually given in older history books as Alexander's birthdate, for example in Peter Green's history. For some reason, 20 or 21 July now seems to be accepted as Alexander's birthdate, although that may be dictated by the internet, and the October possibility seems to have gone by the board. There still seems to be controversy about exactly how to interpret ancient dates into the Gregorian calendar.
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