Greatness Prioratised

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Greatness Prioratised

Post by jasonxx »

Today I thought of Greatness. Alexander the Great and what it is to be great.

I saw a programe today. A young 11 year old boy went on a TV programe to ask for £50.00. To buy a caravan for cancer suffering Children to have holidays for his family.The lad was a cancer sufferer and lost a friend through this ilness. He asked nothing for himself and was so selfless to try for this goal.

I was impressed and thought what he did and all those nameless people do for charity in a selfless way is surely great. I know Alexander To be The Great and was god like. But I felt that gesture was far Greater than anything Alexander did. Am I becoming soft hearted in my old age.

Rubén Alejandro
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Re: Greatness Prioratised

Post by Rubén Alejandro »

oh , to me that is in my opinion you are becoming Great hearted , Kenny , not
soft hearted at all , just had to write to you after reading this one to say that much
to you .
and as for Alexander on this topic , just came to my mind that he had to
meet Diogenes , in my opinion due not only to the fact that Diogenes was
said to be a special man as for his certain wisdom , but too regarding
the much that he was a pauper , so Alexander just had to , get down
to him , about being the humble enough he himself to with all respect
go to him at where Diogenes lived , not that of making a poor man
take a bath and dress so properly to meet a king at his court and so ..

nice reading you , regards .

Alejandro .
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Re: Greatness Prioratised

Post by Paralus »

So the mythologising continues... apace.
Ἐπὶ τοὺς πατέρας, ὦ κακαὶ κεφαλαί, τοὺς μετὰ Φιλίππου καὶ Ἀλεξάνδρου τὰ ὅλα κατειργασμένους;
Wicked men, you sin against your fathers, who conquered the whole world under Philip and Alexander.
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