Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

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Re: Excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Thalestris »

Thank you Karen for taking the time to post the two scenes! Quite romantic...the dialogue oozes of it! Hmmm, Alexander's reputation...I wonder if Stone intends to present to the mainstream audience a warrior king who kills for glory, kills for vengeance, yet has an erotic side to him. I fear for the reputation of this extraordinary visionary of a warrior king who will be maligned in the years to come! I can foresee the media chew the movies to bits, as well as Alexander. Then, again, I do have an *emotional attachment* to Alexander, as do thousands of others.Disappointed,Amazon Queen

Re: Excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Kal »

The media can chew, but those interested in the historical man will likely be moved to pick up a book or books and find out for themselves, and thus the movies will just be yet another interpretation. I think it's safe to say that most people will go to a movie (especially an Oliver Stone movie) and know that it is not written-in-stone (pun intended) history. :)Personally I think Alexander would've really found the whole deal of filmmaking to his liking. ;)
Hetairos (companion)
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by karen »

Hi all:Kal, I got it from a actors' trade website which offered script excerpts for a price, for actors to use in auditions. It was a buck a page, so I thought, that's not much, what the heck. I also have the one for Kleitos. There were several others and as I'm not sure they're still there, I'm somewhat wishing I'd bought them too. There was an eight-page one for Parmenion. I don't have the URL as I've had two, count them, two, total computer crashes since then. Favourites... boom, gone.I imagine that these bits, even if destined for editing, must reflect the spirit and tone that Stone intends, else they wouldn't be helpful for casting.It seems you are knowledgeable, Kal -- are you in the movie business? Just curious.Love & peace,
Hetairos (companion)
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Re: Excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Nicator »

"Personally I think Alexander would've really found the whole deal of filmmaking to his liking"...yeah, until the director shot something unfavorable, then he'd go the way of Callisthenes.
Later Nicator

Thus, rain sodden and soaked, under darkness cloaked,
Alexander began, his grand plan, invoked...

The Epic of Alexander

Re: Excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Kal »

I didn't say he wouldn't control it, a la propaganda ... just said he'd dig it. ;)

Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Kal »

Thanks Karen!I know the site you speak of... I might have it somewhere, if I find it I'll post it for you.No, I'm not in the movie biz, but I have friends who are and I have a longstanding interest in the process of filmmaking. :)

Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Kal »

Karen, I just had to add that I can empathize with the computer crashes. Egads! Very frustrating.And of course you're right...audition pieces can be used for the tenor of the film. I'm interested to see how they change once the shooting gets underway.
Hetairos (companion)
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Nicator »

Hi Karen,I think these homoerotic scenes are weeder scenes to make sure the actors can act. What can be more difficult than pretending to be homosexual if you are hetero?later Nicator
Later Nicator

Thus, rain sodden and soaked, under darkness cloaked,
Alexander began, his grand plan, invoked...

The Epic of Alexander
Hetairos (companion)
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by karen »

Nicator wrote:> I think these homoerotic scenes are weeder scenes to make sure the actors can act. What can be more difficult than pretending to be homosexual if you are hetero? I think these homoerotic scenes are weeder scenes to make sure the actors can act. What can be more difficult than pretending to be homosexual if you are hetero? I think these homoerotic scenes are weeder scenes to make sure the actors can act. What can be more difficult than pretending to be homosexual if you are hetero?Yeah, but why do they need to know whether the actors can do that if they aren't going to have to?Difficult, yes, but a good actor can do it. I'm thinking of Robin Williams in _The Birdcage_ -- he was absolutely brilliant. His character wasn't a screaming, flaming nice person, but a mostly straight-acting one, and yet, still, clearly gay. Thus, more difficult -- it had to be shown in the most subtle mannerisms and body language. He was completely convincing. If you didn't know better you'd swear Williams was gay himself.Now mind you... were there any such signs differentiating men who were interested in other men from those who weren't in Alexander's time? I suspect not. Perhaps the test is to see whether the actor will be uncomfortable and tense up, implausibly, if he has to embrace another man...Love & peace,
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Re: Excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by jan »

I really hate the term " I see you still hold your head cocked." That is so stilted and so phony. I hope that ends up on the cutting room floor. I cannot imagine anyone ever really saying anything so stupid! Sorry!
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Re: Excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by luc »

Posted on: Saturday, 9th August 2003

Message:Hi Karen,I think these homoerotic scenes are weeder scenes to make sure the actors can act. What can be more difficult than pretending to be homosexual if you are hetero?" How about pretending to be good actors?
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Re: Excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by jan »

When I was in Ft. Myers, Florida, years ago, I noticed a sign board by the Bordens Company for ice cream. Lady Borden ice cream to be exact. Make your words soft for you may have to eat them.I love ice cream, hard or soft.
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Alexias »

Interesting that Stone was following Renault in making Alexander Hephaestion's 'boy'. That is defintitely not the way it came across in the film, although that may have been the result of Jared Leto's portraya of a vulnerable Hephaestionl. The 'I'm the older one now' was cut from the film. Perhaps this was a time issue, or was it a conscious decision not to be too explicit about their sex life? I doubt it was a conscious decision not to make Alexander appear too dependant upon Hephaestion as a substitute father as that wasn't a theme that was picked up in the film. But having Hephaestion as the dominant partner does make sense of Alexander's rejection of Hephaestion's advances the night before Gaugamela - 'it's time to grow up now and be a big boy'. The stuff about "it's hardest to be alone before a battle" just doesn't make sense otherwise.
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