A sacrifice to Athena of Lindos

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A sacrifice to Athena of Lindos

Post by marcus »

Well, chaps and chappesses, I am leaving tomorrow for a well-earned holiday (as far as I am concerned, anyway). I shall think of you all as I bask in the sun beneath the temple to Athena at Lindos, Rhodes (where, of course, Alexander had some sort of inscription set up, not that I can remember what it was about). I shall pour many libations to Zeus Ammon, mainly between the hours of 9pm and 2am, and participate in the Bacchic revels in imitation of Alexander's procession through Carmania.However, I don't intend to slay my companions during a drunken argument... but, hey, you never know... it depends on whether they accept my adoption of Persian dress, or not...I look forward to reading loads of interesting discussions when I get back.All the bestMarcus

Re: A sacrifice to Athena of Lindos

Post by John »

I'm on the road today, myself.Look out San Francisco, here I come!"If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair..." Like Alexander's men did in honor of Dionysus? Not a bunch of women trapped in men's bodys... I'll try not to kill any Cleitus's either!
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Re: A sacrifice to Athena of Lindos

Post by marcus »

I had a fantastic Italian meal in San Francisco in June 1998. Can't remember what it was called, but it was very close to Chinatown. It was particularly memorable because it was just after California had banned smoking in all public buildings so I spent more time sitting on the street outside than I did at the table!Great place, wish I could go again. Have fun.All the bestMarcus

Re: A sacrifice to Athena of Lindos

Post by Maciek »

Have a nice holliday Marcus. I'll be around ( in Greece) - it would be nice to meet and talk with a beer someware in middle Greece but I will go there littlebit later - september 9th so I think it would be to late.Maciek

Re: A sacrifice to Athena of Lindos

Post by John »

Marcus,Sounds like this place was on Columbus Ave, which starts at the pyramid building and runs diagonally down to the bay, crossing just north of chinatown.If you keep walking down this street, towards the bay, you come to where it crosses Green St. With my "Alexander head," I immediately think of Peter Green's "Alexander of Macedon," the first book I ever read on Alexander.But get this: They changed the name of the street there from Green Street to Beach Blanket Babylon Boulevard. Craaaaazy!John

Re: A sacrifice to Athena of Lindos

Post by chris »

Sounds like hell! Enjoy.Regards,Chris
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