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Re: John Latsis Books of Greek Museums, courtesy of system19

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:52 am
by system1988
EDIT 12/12/12

I was pleasantly surprised today as the Latsis site has published the book about the Samos Island museum.

You all must know already that Samos was a vital island for Athens and thus it deserved a good look through the book. The findings are amazing and one should view them via the zoom function. Here is some of the findings, quickly pointed out:

One of the greatest technical achievements of ancient times (6th BC), the aqueduct of Efpalinos (to make this one had to be profficient to the most complex mathematics which are still being researched), the famous underground passage, the bizzare marble stattuete of feminine genital (dedicated from courtsesans to Aphrodite - the same who were descended from the ones who accompanied Perikles during the siege of Samos island), the depiction of Eurythion- the herdsman of Geryon's Cattle struck down from Hercules' arrow, and many stattuetes from Syria, Egypt and Andalousia of Spain!

This is a very small text. For more visit the site...