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Re: Gay or not ?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2002 12:18 am
by Linda
Friday afternoon! Best time to do non-work emails..
Firstly, I think I said why Craterus's friends questioned why Alexander needed Hephaestion's love, not the other way around. But thinking about it, when people are rivals they are often unreasonable. They don't like to think the other has an edge, no matter what their individual status. So even if it was known A and H were lovers, then Craterus may still have felt slighted that A felt the need for his rival.
Secondly, was Hephaestion so unpopular? We know he quarrelled with Eumenes and Craterus, and Plutarch does report:
"But Hephaestion dying soon after, the king, in his grief, presuming all those that differed with Hephaestion in his lifetime were now rejoicing at his death, showed much harshness and severity in his behaviour with them, especially towards Eumenes, whom he often upbraided with his quarrels and ill language to Hephaestion. " (Eumenes).
but if Alexander had promoted and favoured someone who was unpopular, wouldn't it be mentioned as a fundamental flaw in Alexander's leadership? But the general consensus now seems to be that Hephaestion was a quarrelsome, unpopular character, beloved only by the King. However, I am not sure that can be true, for the reason I mentioned above, as Arrian say that the stories of Alexander's grief at Hephaestion's death coloured by whether the reporters were for or against Hephaestion. So he must have had some pals.

Re: Gay or not ?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2002 12:47 am
by Tre
Remember, you were the one who told me you read the Moralia, so I thought you might have the reference. Alexander is at a supper party with his companion. He asks him if he was in love with his mistress, because if he was not, he would like to have her. The companion tells Alexander that he is in love with her, to which Alexander replies "Damn," but does not attempt to take the woman.My point is the evidence more than suggests he liked both sexes as sexual partners.'Nuff said.

Re: Gay or not ?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2002 6:42 am
by Sikander
I agree on some points here, Linda. Heph was no more quarrelsome than many, and
usually not without reason. But he was astute concerning most people's
nature, and this rankled some. And I would say he did have friends
(Ptolomey. Leonnato, Perdiccas, Evios, etc) I think part of the attitude
towards Heph (and it is interestng to note it is often the same attitude
towards Evios) is due to factors within those doing the analysis rather
than in Heph himself.

Re: Gay or not ?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2002 5:37 pm
by Linda
I have read "On the Fortune of Alexander" but not other parts of the Moralia, although I had read that story elsewhere. Trouble is, we are like dogs fighting over very meagre bones. It *is* often a question of interpretation, which is why it is so interesting
I think Alexander may have had a passing interest in women. What I am arguing against is that he was equally interested in men and women. And also that bisexuality was normal."
The story doesn't really convince me. He didn't get the girl...and in any case, the exchange had the effect of flattering the man on his choice of mistress, rather than getting Alexander a woman. And actually, that is the important bit. (And also, perhaps - though this might be an interpretation too far - a kind of ego thing, a joining-in, without actually being involved. What he would have done if the man said - "No, you have her, Alexander" we will never know.)
That he admired beauty I don't think is in dispute - but I still don't think he translated this admiration to love affairs, as his predisposition was for men.

Re: Gay or not ?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2002 8:59 pm
by Tre
Linda,I'll have to agree to disagree with you. You seem to be trying too hard to prove he had no interest in women, dismissing any evidence to the contrary. If you pick and choose what you want to believe, Alexander can be anything, including Tarn's heterosexual.

Re: Gay or not ?

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2002 8:45 am
by Linda
NO! I am not trying to prove he had no interest at all- only that his interest was not equal to that in men, as has been stated. I am not picking and choosing sources, on the contrary, I welcome any new information. Interpretation is everything, but I can't see any indications of a strong interest - that is all.
Interpretation is everything, I know, but I am interested in the progression of interpretations of his sexuality - I know what I think - but, as you say, there is Tarn, who would have thought a gross slur on his character to say that he had an interest in men beyond a romantic, brothers-in-arms companionship, to the view some recent biographers have - "it was normal to be bisexual in those days". I think it does make sense to view the evidence in the way I do, and you think it makes sense your way. Which is fine.

Re: Gay or not ?

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2002 4:01 pm
by Sikander
Greetings Linda-
Off topic, have you done study on the continuum? If interested in
responding, contact me at If
not interested, never mind responding on Forum
- it's too far off-topic

Re: Gay or not ?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 7:38 pm
by angeles
That-¦S my oppion: before start to think in personal questions we should think in historic de concept of homosexuality in Greek (even in persia) in the time of Alexander the Great, before and after He, it-¦s something we can-¦t call with our words to the same concept today because was something totaly different nearest bisexuality than homoxesuality. That doesn-¦t mind that Alexader didn-¦t really love Hefestion, in fact his best friend... but also doesn-¦t mind that He didn-¦t love any woman ( in fact Barsine would be one of his lovers)...but I think that really there-¦s so many think really incredible for wich remind him and Hefestion that really doesn-¦t mind if he prefer men than women or love some man... because He was a so good person , even today! and i think hefestion it-¦s more than the alexander-¦s lover.
bye bye