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Phsycics and Mediums

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:38 pm
by kenny
Marcus HailI dont know if your familiar with a phsycic in the uk called Collin Fry sky tv about 3.30pm.basically I have an open mind and give anything credence if it sounds logic.Well I seen this guy and to be honest its really convincing and maybe we can get messges from those that have passed?My pint to Alexander is this the ability to recieve messages from somewhere we know little about Ie maybe there are messages and maybe Alexander did recieve messages direct at Siwa,,, I begin to believe he genuinly went to Siwah for no other purpose than to talk to whoever it is we they can talk to,,, I dont believe it a publicity stunt at all.If you have not seen it Marcus take a peak it may start you wondering the stuff this guy says are no way guesses thgey are too accurate.Kenny