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Cartledge's Alexander

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:25 am
by maciek
I found biography of Alexander of this author. I didn't actually bought it but reviewed in bookstore. I found there in bibliography pothos addres what is very nice. I didn't saw this book in books review so I'd like ask if maybe some of You know it? Did author apeared in pothos forum? Maciek

Re: Cartledge's Alexander

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:32 am
by marcus
Hi Maciek,I really enjoyed the Cartledge book. I wrote a review of it for Amazon, but I can't remember whether I ever sent Nick a version to put on Pothos. If I didn't, I can easily do so.I don't think Cartledge has ever joined in discussion on the forum, unless he's used a different name. But it's nice to see that he cites us in the bibliography, isn't it? Unfortunately, if I remember correctly, it's written down as, rather than .org - so I'm not sure whether people will find it that easily.Cartledge wrote a piece on Alexander for the BBC Website, too, and included Pothos with the address. I have asked the BBC to change the address, but I'm not sure whether they've done so, yet.All the bestMarcus

Re: Cartledge's Alexander

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:07 am
by kate
Hi,Glad to hear you liked the Cartledge book, Marcus, 'cos I saw it in the second-hand book shop I mentioned previously and hummed and hawed about buying it. I will now put it on my list - it's lethal going in there, I always end up spending a fortune!Cheers,Kate

Re: Cartledge's Alexander

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 1:38 pm
by jan
I enjoy Paul Cartledge's writing style as well as his rich, luxurious voice which is a part of the National Geographic dvd special. He loves to quote Ian Worthington, I noted. Interesting, no?

Re: Cartledge's Alexander

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:42 pm
by xxx
I am going to be the dissenter here. I didn't find the book particularly good, nor did it add anything to Alexander scholarship.

Re: Cartledge's Alexander

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:20 pm
by maciek
Well this book was translated into polish but what disapointed me was the ilustrations with maps taken from warry and I really couldn't even find any footnote or even Warry's name in bibliography. Well anyway - maybe Warry took it from some other place.
Thanks for opinions to be honest it helped me to decide to buy it and try then;-))Maciek

Re: Cartledge's Alexander

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:32 am
by marcus
Tut tut. You're very hard to please, aren't you, Tre? :-)All the bestMarcus