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'Alexander' on DVD

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 9:21 pm
by birdlover
There has been a little talk about the DVD around here. I have seen many release dates from April to August. The most reliable date I have heard so far is around mid-June. I read on another forum that Stone himself, gave this actual date. I have no idea if this is the theatrical version date, the recut version or both. There have been no word on specs or extras, as of yet, either.I assume there will be an announcement in the near future (one would hope). I guess all we can do is keep on the lookout for it.Dara

New Sanskrit Alexander film

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 9:16 am
by amyntoros
Hi Dara,It seems that the lack of an official announcement means that no date has been set for release yet. Could Oliver *still* be re-editing? Columbia House were obviously given a date by Warners, but now that seems to be incorrect also.Anyway, seeing as we have a movie thread going again, I thought I'd take the opportunity to post the following info, courtesy of Rogueclassicism: ... 9"Sanskrit film with BJP leader in lead to be shot in Pink city: [India News]: Jaipur, Mar 12 : The famous seventh century play by Vishakadutta, 'Mudrarakshasa', which sketches moments in the lives of Chandragupta and Alexander The Great, will now be captured on celluloid in Sanskrit.With BJP legislator Nathu Singh Gurjar in lead role, the film, to be directed by Shyam Soni, will be shot in various locations in Jaipur and surrounding areas, Director of Vyas Balabux Sodh Sansthan, Acharya Umesh Shashtry, who has written the script of the movie, told reporters here today.Gurjar, who had acted in a Rajasthani film in the past, will play the role of King Chandragupta in the historical movie, Shashtry said.The shooting will start from Monday.Four of the six songs to be picturised for the film have already been recorded in Chennai and Jaipur by music director Bhagwan Das Porwal. Noted Tamil singer Brahma Bhatt, Malayali singer Nalini and Rajasthani Sanjay Raizada have lent their voice for the movie.PTI"Hasn't Dr. Pal written here about this particular play? These days the Indian film industry often puts English subtitles on their films, so I'm going to try and keep track of this movie. I wonder who will play Alexander in this one? :-)Best regards,Amyntoros

Re: 'Alexander' on DVD

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 9:34 am
by smittysmitty
On the subject of film, I got the first season of Gilligan's Island given to me for my fourty seventh birthday just last week. I thought that was fabulous, particularly the pilot episode which had a totally different Professor. Ginger and Maryanne.Highly recommended, ****** six stars, or however they rate these things.cheers!

Re: 'Alexander' on DVD

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 1:29 pm
by amyntoros
Forty-seventh birthday, Smitty? And I thought you were just a young sprite! Must be that joie de vivre you're always exuding. Can't say I think much of your taste in TV shows though - but I used to host monthly meetings for a Blake's 7 fan club, so what do I know? :-)I do know we've gone wildly off-topic here, but I couldn't resist a response. And it is nice to have just one "lighter" thread going on Pothos. Maybe this could be brought back somewhat into Alexander territory by asking Pothosians which seven people from Alexander's time they'd most like to be stranded on a desert island with, and why. And the answer should be four men and three women, to match the cast of Gilligan's Island, although I'm sure that Alexander is a given so that really should be three men and three women. I'd start, but the question needs more consideration than I have time for now. Really... :-)Best regards,Amyntoros

Re: 'Alexander' on DVD

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:26 pm
by marcus
Well, assuming that Alexander is a given, I suppose my choices would be:Aristotle (very good on poisonous or edible plants, and the island 'constitution'); Seleucus (my favourite Diadochos, and it would be interesting to find out how close a friend of Alexander's he really was in their youth); and Diades, Alexander's engineer, who'd be very good for building stuff.Those are the chaps - anyone notice who's missing? :-)For the women - Barsine (definitely), Thalestris the Amazon (she'd be very handing for hunting wild animals and general survival skills, I reckon); and although I'm tempted to say Olympias, I think life would be marginally easier with Cleopatra (Alex's sister, that is).Marcus

Re: 'Alexander' on DVD

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 6:02 pm
by birdlover
This thread is turning into something interesting.Just another word about the DVD...I am sure Stone is probably still editing. But there was word from a member on another Alexander forum who received a personal letter from Stone who gave the mid-June date. That will give him plenty of time to edit. I think he has been re-editing the film probably since it came out (given it's response).So hopefully, word is on it's way. Dara

Re: 'Alexander' on DVD

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 6:02 pm
by smittysmitty
A slightly different take on the question!The played by Parmenio for his ability to give commands that sometimes mess up!Mr played by Harpalus for his love of money.Mrs. Howl... as played by the Persian Queen Mother for her reluctance to participate in menial work.The played by Aristotle for sheer intellect.Ginger...this was a toss up between Thais, for her ability to incite men to behave irrationally and Hephaestion for, well.,
for just being Hephaestion. Marryanne...this was a three way split between Cleopatra (Al's sister) for her ability to get palmed of by so many men, and basically palmed off in history. Hephaestion, but he missed out cause he was too tall! and Alexander the Great, but he was too short!Finally played by Demosthenes; not sure why, but couldn't think of anyone else and the though of Demosthenes playing Gilligan made me laugh! after all laughter is what this thread is about, isn't it?
Before anyone decides to attack me - this is just for fun ok!cheers!

Re: 'Alexander' on DVD

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 2:08 pm
by jan
Thanks, Dara, for the word!

Re: 'Alexander' on DVD-Amyntoros island

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:33 am
by lucian
Alexander (given) Hephaistion (would love to know what he's all about, such a mystery) Aristotle (might help) Olympias (cause you can't have enough snake tamers) Thais (entertainment, and fire building) the Queen of Caria..cause she can bake.