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About Greek Ancestry

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 8:10 pm
by iranianguy
Hi everyone im a Iranian/Persian born guy who lives in the U.S.. Just wanting to iform you guys about a few things about Greek Ancestry. If you guys had didnt know around 2000-1800 B.C. a group of caucasian tribes known as the Arians migrated from there ancestral home land and spreed through out most of the European continent. These people in Greece and the other countries slowly mixed with the local inhabitants of the rejion. So if u think about it Greek people are partly decendents of Aryan/Persian people.

Re: About Greek Ancestry

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:20 am
by yiannis
Hi, I'm aware that genetically, the closest people to Greeks are Armenians and after them, it's the Persians. (cannot find my sources at the moment).
Plus I lived for 6 months in Tehran and can confirm that from experience :-)Hi all, good to be back, after a lot of hard work and a long, well-deserved holiday break!