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300 Spartans

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:03 am
by jasonxx
Was I hilucinating.

I was watching Gladiator on 4 Movies and to my suprise I thought an Advertisement camem on for an Xbox game.

Anyway it came to announce 300 Spartans. Out in Cenemas in March Certificate to Be arranged. I looked at my movie site IMBD and the only movie was the 1962 Richard Egan Move :o

Has anyone else seen this trailor and know of the movie :?:



Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:22 am
by jasonxx
The Title is simply 300, Check it out it looks promising


Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:54 am
by val
Hi Kenny,

There was a trailer of 300 posted a while ago at IMDB and yahoo; here’s a link

The film, however, is based on Frank Miller’s graphic novel of the same name, a loosely historical but highly stylized retelling of the Spartan resistance against the Persian Invasion.
Here’s some more info:

So far I would say it, alternative? I guess it will be interesting to see.

All the best, Valeria

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:57 am
by jasonxx
cheers val i got it penciled in. i know none of the actors so maybe thats a good thing. i need a little antidote for all the american comedies out next year.


Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:55 pm
by Efstathios
It is more like a fantasy movie.Based on historical events.It seems nice.But from the trailer i already found a scene that i didnt like because it was kind of far from what the Spartans were.It is the part with the emissary from the Persians, this nubian man that Leonidas kicks in a hole and says "This is Sparta". Greek hospitality, even Spartan one wouldnt permitt such an act.It is cowardish.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:51 pm
by jasonxx
Eftsa Hail

Maybe Im undiplomatic. But going by the histories I can imagine before Leonidas kicked the guy down the hole. I would imagine he was making endless demands and boasts about the Vast Persian forces Xerxes was about to unleash on Greece. :twisted:

And what a better way for any strong king to say bollox in such a way.We can be a little less certain about Thermpelae than we can about Alexander as it was a lot earlier. Even if theres a lot of fantasy. But stays true to events we gotta give it a shot..

Action and a little fantasy goes a long way to escape the Crap Hollywood is churning out. Im fed up of silly tean comedies and the rest. The trailer looks good but they always do. But I wont ho :shock: ld my breath. Realistically they cant cock up a story thats relatively short Compared to Alexanders years.

as long as its entertaining with plenty of action. that'll do for me :lol:

Troy was a lot off the mark but it still kept me entertained .



Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:35 pm
by rjones2818
jasonxx wrote:cheers val i got it penciled in. i know none of the actors so maybe thats a good thing. i need a little antidote for all the american comedies out next year.

Gerard Butler is Leonidas - you might remember him from Wes Craven's "Dracula 2000" where he played the count who was Judas Iscariot.

BTW: The "300" graphic novel is pretty cool. It's only available in hardback and it is loose with its history, but a pretty good story none the less.


Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:57 am
by smittysmitty
Herodotus [7.133] says Darius had sent messengers to Sparta demanding submission. The Spartans responded by pushing them into a well and told them' if they wanted earth and water for the King, to get them from there.'

T he murder of these messangers is said to have brought about ill omens to Sparta. Wanting to appease the gods, the Spartans then asked for two volunteers prepared to give their lives to make amends.They dispatched the two sacrificial Spartans to Susa where the Great King refused to take their lives - not wanting too lower himself to the level of the Spartans.