The city of Heaven

Discuss the culture of Alexander's world and his image in art

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The city of Heaven

Post by system1988 »

The city of Heaven .

Alexarchos was the last of the 8 sons of Antipater .When his brother Cassander founded the city of Cassandria in 316 BC ,Alexarchos also founded a city ( this city has been found and excavated in Chalcidide ) which he called Ouranopolis -The city of Heaven .According to Atheneos ,Alexarchos was possesed by a linguistic mania to such an extant that when he wrote a letter to the rulers of Cassandria , no one understood the meaning , and they said that even the Phythian Apollo himself would be able to understand the meaning of it . Some of the words he invented have come down to us (there are at least funny ) We dont know what his brother thought about his linguistic choises :D Despite that peculiarity the city grew and temples were built. He called the inhabitans of his city 'Uranids'' and 'Humans from body and sun ' (Ηλιοκρείς)
A second innovation of Alexarchos was that he introduced? allowed ? the worship of Helios (Sun ) in his newly founded city . For the perfomance of the rituals a new shape of pot was invended -in the shape of an octahedron -for the first time in Greece. On assume that this strange shape was adopted because the Sun in the area of Mediterranen specialy in the Phoenician sanctuaries -Motyaia , Byblos and Tyros was worshiped among others in the shape of a little pyramid , so a Phoenician influence is suggested in the sun worship in the city of Heaven .The pots of the city of Heaven are dated to the late 4th -3th century BC
It is permissible to have some second thoughts: Alexander the Great after his death was deified and identified with the sun. Many Kings adopted this worship (Demetrius-Helios for example ) which in this way spread and pushed partly aside the old religions . Also In the late 4th century astronomy became the basis of new religion views such as those reflected in Plato s theology , which mathematics and geometry developed simultaneously. In this time frame , the eccentric and innovative Alexarchos influenced by the religions of the East and connoisseur of the science and the philosophical thought of Greece , introduced the worship of the sun and choose the shape of the pots such an octahedron ,which according to the platonic cosmogony is connected to the element of air.

For further reading and understanding '' Octahedral pots from the sancuary of Apollo -Helios at Nea Roda of Chalcidide''. Ε.-Β Tsigarida Ηχάδην 2016
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