Non-fiction booklist

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Non-fiction booklist

Post by Alexias »

Non-fiction booklist

This book list is not exhaustive and other books are available

A.B. Bosworth 1988 "Conquest and Empire" The reign of Alexander the Great

John Andrew Boyle 1977 "The Alexander Romance in the East & West"

Pierre Briant 1996 "Alexander the Great: The heroic ideal" Translated by Jeremy Leggatt

A.R. Burn 1947 "Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Empire"

Paul Cartledge 2004 "Alexander the Great: The hunt for a new past"

Andrew Michael Chugg 2006 "Alexander's Lovers"

Andrew Michael Chugg 2004 "The Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great"

Paul Doherty 2004 "Alexander the Great: The Death of a God" What -or who- really killed the young conqueror of the known world?

Alan Fildes & J Fletcher 2001 "Alexander the Great: Son of the Gods"

Robin Lane Fox 1973 "Alexander the Great"

Robin Lane Fox 1980 "The Search for Alexander"

Robin Lane Fox 2004 "The Making of Alexander" The official guide to the epic film 'Alexander'

J. F. C. Fuller 1998 “The Generalship of Alexander The Great”

Peter Green 1970 "Alexander the Great"

Peter Green 1970 "Alexander of Macedon" Revised 1974

J.R. Hamilton 1973 "Alexander the Great"

Nicholas Hammond 1997 "The Genius of Alexander the Great"

Nicholas Hammond 1994 "Philip of Macedon"

Waldemar Heckel 1992 "The Marshals of Alexander's Empire"

Waldemar Heckel 2002 "The wars of Alexander the Great" Essential histories series

David G. Hogarth 2005 "Philip and Alexander of Macedon" Two essays in biography

Frank Lipsius 1974 "Alexander the Great"

John Pentland Mahaffy 1898 "The empire of Alexander the Great"

John Maxwell O'Brien 1992 "Alexander the Great: the invisible enemy" A biography

Daniel Ogden 2011 "Alexander the Great" "Myth, Genesis and Sexuality"

John Prevas 2004 "Envy of the gods" Alexander the Great's ill-fated journey across Asia

Mary Renault 1975 "The nature of Alexander"

Alex Rowson 2022 “The Young Alexander” The making of Alexander the Great

Agnes Savill 1955 "Alexander the Great and his time"

Andrew Stewart 1993 "Faces of Power" Alexander's image and Hellenistic politics

Richard Stoneman 2008 "Alexander the Great: a life in Legend"

Richard Stoneman 1997 "Alexander the Great"

W. W. Tarn 1948 "Alexander the Great"

Various 2000 "Alexander the Great in fact and fiction" Edited by A.B. Bosworth and E.J. Baynham

Various 2008 "Alexander the Great at war" Editor Ruth Sheppard

Various 2003 "Alexander the Great - A reader" Edited by Ian Worthington

Various 2009 "Alexander the Great - A new history" Edited by Waldemar Heckel & Lawrence A. Tritle

Various 2010 "Responses to Oliver Stone's Alexander" Edited by Paul Cartledge and Fiona Rose Greenland

Arthur Weigall 1933 "Alexander the Great"

B. J. Wheeler 1900 "Alexander the Great" Heroes of the Nations series: revised 1925

Ulrich Wilken Revised 1967 “Alexander the Great”

Michael Wood 1997 "In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great" DVD also available

Ian Worthington 2004 "Alexander the Great: Man and God "

Joan Wynne-Thomas 1979 "Proud-Voiced Macedonia" A background for King Philip II and the royal burial ground at Vergina


Russel M. Geer 1973 "Plutarch: The age of Alexander"

Ian Scott-Kilvert 1947 "Diodorus Siculus"

Aubrey De Selincourt 1958 "Arrian: The campaigns of Alexander"

Richard Stoneman 2012 "The Book of Alexander the Great"

Richard Stoneman 1994 "Legends of Alexander the Great"

Richard Stoneman 1991 "The Greek Alexander Romance"

C. Bradford Welles 1963 "Diodorus Siculus"

John Yardley & W Heckel 1984 "Quintus Curtius Rufus"

J. C. Yardley & W Heckel 1997 "Justin"
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