Editor for Hire . . .

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Pezhetairos (foot soldier)
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Editor for Hire . . .

Post by ScottOden »

Hey all,

I know there's a good many writers who frequent these boards, so I wanted to pass it along that I've hung out my shingle as a freelance editor-for-hire. If you're going the traditional route and feel you need an objective critique and some light editing, or if you're going the indie route and want someone to look over your manuscript before you convert it to an e-book or send it to the printers . . . I'm your guy.

Most of you know me, but for those that do not: I'm a published author of historical fiction and fantasy, a former submissions editor for a small literary agency, and I've taught classes on manuscript preparation and assembling submissions packages.

Here's my website: http://editorialgoblin.wordpress.com/. I prefer to work on manuscripts that are historical fiction or fantasy. Here endeth my shameless self-promotion . . .


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Re: Editor for Hire . . .

Post by marcus »

ScottOden wrote:Hey all,

I know there's a good many writers who frequent these boards, so I wanted to pass it along that I've hung out my shingle as a freelance editor-for-hire. If you're going the traditional route and feel you need an objective critique and some light editing, or if you're going the indie route and want someone to look over your manuscript before you convert it to an e-book or send it to the printers . . . I'm your guy.

Most of you know me, but for those that do not: I'm a published author of historical fiction and fantasy, a former submissions editor for a small literary agency, and I've taught classes on manuscript preparation and assembling submissions packages.

Here's my website: http://editorialgoblin.wordpress.com/. I prefer to work on manuscripts that are historical fiction or fantasy. Here endeth my shameless self-promotion . . .


Hi Scott! Best of luck with this.
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Re: Editor for Hire . . .

Post by Alexias »

Hi, Scott, good luck with this - I may be tempted to use your services myself at some point, if I can ever find the time and inspiration to finish anything. Recently, I did the equivalent of your goblin-notes for someone, and it takes a lot of hard work that isn't necessarily appreciated, although perhaps I'm too harsh a critic. As you say however, an editor is not a ghost-writer and the hard work of writing has to be the writer's. My advice to anyone writing is to read and re-read what you have written. Reading it for a second time does not constitute a second draft; reading it for the twentieth time might just qualify.

If anyone is thinking of using the services of an editor, I would urge using someone who is accessible (as Scott has made himself) and reputable. Years ago, before the days of email, I sent a 200,000 manuscript to an editor who had advertised in an established writing magazine, paid £450 (stupid of me), waited 4 months for a reply and all I got was a 3/4 page of pep-talk ('this needs work, but you have talent and can do it'), and a few handwritten notes throughout the manuscript, which mostly struck me as showing that the editor had neither the intelligence or the perception to continue the correspondence. But, what do I know?

Anyway, good luck, although one of the drawbacks of editing is that you get so caught up in what you are doing that you start re-writing it - not a good idea!
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Re: Editor for Hire . . .

Post by ScottOden »

Thanks Marcus and Alexias!

I don't necessarily advocate the use of an editor. Everything I do, and everything I've learned, comes from study and practice. Every writer has the capacity to learn the same skills, likely even better than I. But, self-doubt is a wicked side-effect of the artistic endeavor. I know some writers -- good writers! -- who are too afraid to submit their work because of self-doubt. I'd like to help those people. In a perfect world I'd do it for free. But, alas, this isn't a perfect world and I needs must feed my family while chipping away at my long-term contracts. This is something I like to be upfront about.


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Re: Editor for Hire . . .

Post by Arete »

Good luck, Scott!

I might also need your services, if I get my novel off the ground. And I finish it. Here's to hoping! :D

I agree that practice and study is what truly teaches a writer how to craft a successful story. Personally, I enjoy the use of many editors-professional and personal friends who I trust-because I don't think I can objectively judge my own novel. I can have a good sense of what is working, and what is not; but I'll likely always hold it in more of a positive or negative regard then the reader. If that makes any sense.

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